Most people don’t know how to make money online. If you’re looking for a way to earn more passive income, then this is the ultimate guide for you. We’re here to help you find the best way for you, by giving you a clear overview of all the options and showing you what works best. We’ll show you how each option can earn you money on autopilot or with little work from your part, but we won’t just tell about them – we’ll also give away real-life examples of people who have used these methods successfully!…
Rights: Resell Rights File Size: 2.01 MB |
10 Simple Keto Recipes
The keto diet is the hottest new trend in weight loss, but it can be hard to stick with when you’re busy. If you’re trying to lose weight and follow the ketogenic diet, then you need some quick and easy recipes that are delicious and healthy. We’ve put together a list of 10 simple keto recipes for those days where time is short. These yummy meals will help your body burn fat while keeping your taste buds happy!….
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 15.60 MB |
Productive Powerhouse + Videos Upsell
The Productive Powerhouse course will teach you everything about becoming more productive, including how to beat procrastination, overcome distraction and complete your work in less time with ease! This guide will help you get rid of bad habits like watching TV or wasting time on social media so that you can start focusing on the tasks at hand instead of spending all day just trying to figure out what needs doing first. By learning how to manage your energy levels properly and set up an effective daily routine for yourself, not only will be able to achieve more but also feel better while doing it!…
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 150.93 MB |
Copywriting Expertise
You’ve heard of the power of the written word, but you don’t know where to start. You may have read a few books on copywriting and tried your hand at writing some sales letters yourself. But it’s hard to get started with no idea what works and what doesn’t. It takes hours upon hours before you even begin to see results from your efforts. And if you aren’t seeing results, it can be discouraging!….
Rights: Private Label Rights File Size: 6.00 MB |
Achieving Your Dreams
You want to change your life for the better, but you don’t know how. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably had this thought at some point in your life. “I want to change my life for the better.” But then what? What do I need to do? How do I start changing things? The truth is that it’s not as hard as we make it out to be. We just have a tendency of making excuses and procrastinating when we should take action towards our goals….
Rights: Private Label Rights File Size: 5.40 MB |
Mentor Fortunes
You have the knowledge and experience to help others. But, you’re not sure how to do it in a way that’s profitable for you. It’s hard enough to find time for yourself when you have so many responsibilities of your own. And, if you are going to share your expertise with others, why shouldn’t they be willing pay for it?…
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 49.20 MB |
Leveraging Google Analytics
When you don’t know how to use Google Analytics, it can be hard to understand what’s going on with your website. This is a huge problem because without proper analytics tracking you’re flying blind and won’t know if any of your marketing efforts are working or not. You’ll also have no idea about the health of your site, which will put you at risk for getting penalized by Google…
Rights: Private Label Rights File Size: 4.41 MB |
Establishing Brand Recognition
There is no magic bullet for getting your message through to people who don’t want to hear it but there are tricks you can use that will help you stand out from the crowd and get their attention. If they find what you have to say interesting or entertaining, then they might actually listen when you talk about your business or service…
Rights: Private Label Rights File Size: 3.94 MB |
Healthy Eating + Videos Upsell
If you eat the right foods, your body will work better and last longer. This book contains all the information you need about what healthy food actually is (and isn’t). It also teaches you how to choose it at every meal, without breaking the bank or giving up flavor. You’ll learn which foods can help reduce inflammation in your body; prevent cancer; alleviate arthritis pain; lower cholesterol levels; keep blood sugar stable; improve digestion and sleep quality…the list goes on!…
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 212.98 MB |
Finding Balance + Videos Upsell
If you don’t take time to prioritize what’s really important in your life, it will be nearly impossible to find peace or happiness. We have created a simple system that works for anyone who is ready to stop living in denial about the importance of balance in their lives. The first step is deciding how much work you’re willing to do on yourself before taking action!….
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 183.95 MB |
Run Yourself Strong + Videos Upsell
Run Yourself Strong! These ebook and video course will help keep you motivated by showing you how running can improve your fitness levels while also improving your mental strength! It’s not just about losing weight or getting in shape, there are so many other benefits that come from being able to run for long distances without stopping. You’ll learn all this and more inside Run Yourself Strong!….
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 212.08 MB |
TLC Diet Secrets
The TLC Diet is a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet that can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of heart disease. Most people don’t know about the TLC Diet because it’s not as well known as other diets like the keto diet or paleo diet. This ebook brings awareness to this underappreciated diet and shows how easy it is to follow, even if you’re busy and have no time for cooking complicated meals. It also has recipes!….
Rights: Private Label Rights File Size: 14.0 MB |
Healthier You
There’s so much conflicting health advice out there, it can be hard to know what works and what doesn’t. Everyone knows that exercise is good for you, but how do you find the motivation to get off your butt and into action? We’ve got some tips on how you can start moving more today! It’s never too late to change your life….
Rights: Private Label Rights File Size: 2.56 MB |
Speak With Confidence + Videos Upsell
Most people who are nervous about public speaking have the same problem – they don’t know what to do with their hands. They fear that if they move their hands or arms around too much, they’ll seem strange or distracting and no one will pay attention. But guess what? That’s not true! And we’ve got proof! …
Rights: Master Resell Rights File Size: 163.82 MB |